Fordongianus Baths

The Roman Baths of Fordongianus are an important archaeological site in Sardinia, located on the left bank of the river Tirso, in the Upper Oristanese. There are still springs from which water gushes that, crossed the underlying volcanic bank, reach…

Tharros Site

Nuragic village, Phoenician emporium, Carthaginian fortress, Roman urbs, Byzantine capital, capital of the Giudicato of Arborea. In Tharros about two thousand years of Sardinian history are told, from the nuraghic age to the middle of the XI century, when, to…

Santa Cristina Water Well

The sanctuary of Santa Cristina, the sacred nuragic area par excellence, stands in a basaltic plateau, in the territory of nearby Paulilatino. The name comes from the adjacent country church of the eleventh century.The archaeological site stands in the green…

Nuraghe of Losa

On the Abbasanta plateau, not far from the city of Oristano, stands one of the expressions, as well as better preserved,  representative of the Nuragic architecture. The “Nuraghe Losa” is distinguished by organic design, compactness of the volumes and refinement…

Obsidian Museum (Pau)

The Obsidian Museum was opened in 2007, following the establishment by the Municipality of Pau of a functional body to collect the results of research around the issue of exploitation in prehistoric and protohistoric age, of the obsidian of Mount…

Cabras Museum

The museum was inaugurated in 1997 and is dedicated to the exhibition of archaeological finds from the  territory of  the Sinis peninsula. The prenuragic and nuragic period is documented by the materials recovered with the excavation of the village of…

Masullas Geo Museum

Masullas Geomuseo has been placed inside the Cappuccini’s eighteenth-century convent, located in the town, perfectly restored for the occasion. The museum is modern and full of multimedia elements, such as the Volcanic Hall and the Flù Room. It offers a…

Antiquarium Arborense Museum

The Arborense Antiquarium Archaeological Museum is composed by recomposing the entire archaeological collection of Avvocato Pischedda purchased by the city of Oristano in 1938. In the “Sala Retabili” there are pictorial plates of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, including the…

Giants of Mont’e Prama

The necropolis of Mont’e Prama is located at the base of the homonymous hill, at a distance of about 2 km from the pond of Cabras, along the road that leads from San Salvatore to Riola Sardo. The discovery of…

Cornus Archeological Site

The archaeological site of Cornus -Columbaris is located in the open countryside, in the municipality of Cuglieri, not far from Santa Caterina di Pittinuri and S’Archittu. On the SS 292 it is necessary to follow the indications for the site,…

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