San Salvatore Festival

San Salvatore is part of Cabras. A village of medieval origin, owes its name to the homonymous church located in the center of the village, in whose basement there is an ancient pagan sanctuary of Nuragic origin. In particular, the…

Is Fassonis (Santa Giusta)

From 29 June to 1 July, Santa Giusta and its lagoon are the setting for the regatta de “Is Fassõis”. “Is Fassõis”, or “Fassonis”, are boats made with bundles of reeds and marsh grasses that date back to very ancient…

Cabras Museum

The museum was inaugurated in 1997 and is dedicated to the exhibition of archaeological finds from the  territory of  the Sinis peninsula. The prenuragic and nuragic period is documented by the materials recovered with the excavation of the village of…

Giants of Mont’e Prama

The necropolis of Mont’e Prama is located at the base of the homonymous hill, at a distance of about 2 km from the pond of Cabras, along the road that leads from San Salvatore to Riola Sardo. The discovery of…

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